German startup develops first field-of-light lens for SLR cameras

Saarbrücken-based K-Lens has developed an optical lens for SLR cameras for the first time. The K-Lens One has a length that matches SLR cameras and converts them into a sort of field-of-light camera once the lens is attached, reports “golem“.

Function and scope of services

The K-Lens-One has the following features:

  • Length 253 mm (mm)

  • Weight 1.7 kg

  • Focal Length 80mm

  • Compatible with all full frame cameras

  • Inside the lens is a mirror tunnel that simultaneously records nine different perspectives of the scene on the camera sensor. The purpose-developed “SeeDeep” software can create a 3D image from these nine perspectives.

  • The focus, depth of field and, to some extent, the angle of view can be high”PhotoScalaIt can also be determined later using a light field lens. This applies to photos and videos as well.

The 3D image can also be acquired as a bitmap cloud or RGB image and can be expanded to include a depth channel. This can then be used as a layer or mask that can be used directly or edited on your own, “Golem” continues.

The inner workings of a K-Lens One. (Source: screenshot

The K-Lens-One should be available in the second half of 2022. The developers are currently raising the necessary start-up capital for Zeiss, PhotoScala writes. Interested parties who wish to support the project can do so Here to do.

Plus: Manufacturer Laowas makes even the smallest of objects visible with its new telephoto lens. It features dual zoom and is designed for full frame mirrorless cameras. Find out more here.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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