Le Matin – Bordeaux: Mobile Consulate in Poitiers to bring consular services closer to MRE

The Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Bordeaux organized, on Saturday, a consular trip to Poitiers with the aim of bringing the consulate closer to Moroccan citizens residing in this city.

A statement issued by the Consulate General of the Kingdom in Bordeaux stated that the consular operation in this city located more than 260 kilometers from Bordeaux, in these times when the epidemic prevails, coincided with the celebration of the International Day of Migrants.

The operation, which took place in full compliance with the sanitary measures in force in France, was marked by a large influx of Moroccans from this city, who mostly welcomed the importance and interest of this type of excursion. Consulate in the eyes of members of the community residing in this area, the same source adds.

This mobile consulate provided an opportunity for the Consul General in Bordeaux, Mr. Ahmed Nouri Salimi, to meet with political figures from Poitiers, in this case Mr. Sacha Houli, Member of Parliament and former member of the LREM Executive Committee, and the Mayor of Poitiers, Mrs. Léonore Moncond’huy, former member at LREM and former member of the Franco-Moroccan Friendship Group in the National Assembly, Mr. Jacques Savatier. These meetings provided an opportunity to discuss the situation of the Moroccan community in Poitiers and the prospects for cooperation between the main political forces in Poitiers and Morocco, according to the same source.

A mobile consulate was also organized by the Consulate General in Bordeaux, Sunday, in Limoges.

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Brooke Vargas

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