NASA recorded an absurd sound near Jupiter, lo and behold

Ganymede is a cool place. Some astronomers may be offended by this mild explanation, but listen here: Jupiter’s satellite is the largest in our solar system, larger than Mercury; 200 kilometers below its surface there is a large sea of ​​salt water, so large that it has its own magnetic field. In short, we said: cool.

Now our luck is that NASA’s Juno probe has been orbiting Jupiter since 2016 (launched in 2011) and exploring the gas giant and its moons. This year the vehicle recorded its electromagnetic waves with its Waves instrument and came very close to the canyon. If you move these waves beyond the audio range, you will get incredible sounds that will crawl across your skin, but we also make you imagine the incredible journey of exploring.

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“This soundtrack is enough to make you feel like you’re traveling when you first cross the canyon for more than two decades,” says Scott Bolton, Juno’s primary researcher and physicist at the Southwest Research Institute.

“If you look closely, you can hear a sudden change in the high frequencies around the middle of the record, which indicates that the cannibal is entering a different area in the magnetic field.”

This work will continue until 2025, and will continue to send us such incredible and invaluable information, having recently explored some of the most interesting places, the existence of water and therefore the possible forms of life.

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Veronica Tucker

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