Lots: La Défense Paysanne launched its mobile app

La Défense Paysanne du Lot has an application available on tablets and smartphones. By combining both articles reserved for subscribers and also free access content, he hopes to reach a wider audience.

It’s time to go digital for the agricultural newspaper La Défense Paysanne du Lot: it’s Now apply Named, it was officially launched this week and is already up and running. Free to download on Apple or Android media, it offers subscribers customized articles and free content as well as videos and podcasts.

The idea is part of “Many Years of Reflection” aimed at developing the bi-weekly paperback newspaper. To prepare the application, La Défense Paysanne has called up the company Bleu122 based in Toulouse that specializes in developing this type of tool. According to Laurent Magott, director of the Lot’s Chamber of Agriculture, “fifteen thousand euros” were needed for this project.

The app is free to download.
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double target

For Christophe Canale, Director of Publication at La Défense Paysanne and President of the Chamber of Agriculture, the app fulfills a twofold goal: to adapt to farmers “who are today accustomed to contact”, but also to reach a wider audience. “There are two defining sections, the short circuit and environment section, [faites] So that a Lotwa consumer, a Lotwa tourist, or a Lotwa Administration Manager can find what they’re looking for. The content will be more widely reviewed compared to the paper version, which is the very agricultural version,” adds Laurent Magott.

Thus, La Défense Paysanne du Lot hopes to gain more subscribers. She currently has about 2,000. “We have to be honest, we probably haven’t been able to continue carrying the hard copy like it used to be,” admits Christoph Canal. 400 users have already downloaded the La Défense Paysanne app.

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Brooke Vargas

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