First quarter results: SFR continues to recruit on mobile but loses customers on landlines

SFR logo in storeAltice has reported first-quarter results for its subsidiary SFR. The operator in the red box is also recruited to landline and mobile but finds itself a little behind compared to the competition on landline.

As for SFR’s results for the first quarter of 2022, it’s still necessary to get out of the calculator because the parent company only provides the total number of customers in each category.

As of March 31, 2022, SFR had 6,678 million fixed customers, a loss of nearly 28,000 subscribers compared to the end of the year.

Flat line slightly down but revenue is rising

However, the operator increased the fiber customer base from 3.95 million to 4.07 million, a small increase 119,000 subscribers On the very high-speed network, which includes both FTTH fiber and end-coaxial fiber, as well as fixed 4G.

SFR fiber offerings are now accessible to nearly 27.226 million households, i.e. 1.2 million more Only at the end of 2021. In general, according to the SFR, its fibers are in 15,991 municipalities compared to 14,345 at the end of last year, but the operator was not in half of the municipalities located in the territory.

However, despite this flat-line decline, revenue rose slightly in this segment with 692 million euros compared to 689 million at the end of December. In addition, the constant trading volume increased by 1.2% between the beginning of the year and the same period last year.

On mobile, SFR now has 19.603 million customers as of March 31, which is approx. 50000 new subscribers mobile in three months. Revenue was €929 million, or +4.6% compared to the beginning of 2021. SFR continued to roll out 4G in the first quarter with 2,303 new mobile sites, making it possible to cover 99.7% of the population. At the same time, the operator deploys its 5G network on the 2.1 and 3.5 GHz bands. From now on, it has 5,700 radio sites across France, which already allows it to cover almost 50% of the population of France.

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Total SFR revenue up to 2.733 billion euros During the quarter, an increase of 1.1% in one year with an increase in fixed and mobile revenue, but a loss of revenue in the business branch due to a slowdown in the construction business.

Altice is not only an operator through SFR because the group uses fiber as well, but that slowed this first quarter with 180,000 lines built by its XpFibre subsidiary, down from 236,000 at the end of last year and 213,000 in the first quarter of 2021.

Brooke Vargas

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