Toys, sweets and tools in baskets: Here’s a Befana for the children of the Sanita area

Fifty custom groups With toys, sweets and gadgets for kids Health zone By Asd Sanità United and The Opportunity. a Bevana Of joy and tranquility for the young neighborhood residents who received gifts from volunteers tonight. With full compliance with the restrictions due to the red zone and the consequent control measures Coronavirus disease Gifts were delivered to the children In the low baskets of windows and balconies From the alleys where Toto was born.

A gesture of delicacy dedicated to childhood in a dark moment like this, on the occasion of the Epiphany which, in the first year, was different for the children of Naples. “Our job is not to do great things, but to do the little things with great love,” he says Luca Zagarola, from Sanita United – In collaboration with Opportunity, a large anti-Camorra community, we toured the neighborhood, home by house, to distribute our Befana. But in reality, it was these children who gave us a great gift: the smile in their eyes and in the eyes of their mothers. Only through those enlightened eyes can we hope for a better and colorful future. Special thanks – in conclusion – to the sponsors who helped us achieve this initiative in the hope that we will soon return to the field and see these children cheering for us.


Last updated: 14:39 © Reproduction reserved

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Samantha Arnold

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