Strange spots appeared on Mars that look like spiders: what they really are

Europe's Mars Express probe recently captured images of strange dark spots on the surface of Mars. What is it about?

Strange stains (web resource) –

Some have been caught Pictures With European Studies Mars Express on the surface tuesday Such images soon ignited the public imagination web This has led some to hypothesize that there are Space spiders On the red planet.

But what is it really about? What are these? Strange stains on the surface Mars? Let's find out together…

Photographs taken during the survey Mars Express It ignites the imaginations of millions of people from all over the world and makes people think of a colony of sorts Giant spiders who lives tuesday

At first glance, these Dark spots They may actually look like gods Arachnids aliens Located in a mysterious region of the Red Planet, they are Inca city.

This hypothesis seems correct for a Science fiction movieActually talking about internet users has increased the speculation Giant alien spiders.

Official explanation What are these strange spots on Mars?

l'European Space Agencyor the ESA, She was very clear about the truth of the facts. There are dark spots tuesday According to some hypotheses they are not living organisms, but a natural phenomenon connected with the seasonal activity of the Red Planet, i.e tuesday

Mars with dark spots
Mars with Dark Spots (web resource) –

about this Geysers Off Carbon dioxide Trapped in ice. So, in winter tuesday, Carbon dioxide freezes over the entire planet's surface.

When the season comes spring, The sun's rays heat the previously formed ice and sublimate the trapped carbon dioxide.

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As the pressure builds up under the ice that forms, the ice breaks up, allowing carbon dioxide to escape in solid form. Geysers.

So it's not a question Giant alien spiders As many people on the net believe, but these are Geysers It mainly contains dark material that can be sprayed CO2, At a very high altitude.

It is precisely this material that falls to the surface and creates Dark spots May seem like God Giant spiders.

Strange Spots on Mars
Strange spots on Mars (web resource) –

These blemishes tuesday So while they are fascinating and resemble spiders, they are simply an effect natural process This is linked to the seasonal variations of the Red Planet.

True, their shape and distribution on the planet can easily fool the human eye, but rest assured… nothing. alien Or the mystery behind them!

Veronica Tucker

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