Emmaüs Connect has equipped 1,700 people in two years.

“75% of the people supported by Emmaüs Connect have less than €650 in monthly resources. When a low-cost computer costs €450, it is very complicated,” says Alex de Luz, project manager. plural…

“75% of the people supported by Emmaüs Connect have less than €650 in monthly resources. When a low-cost computer costs €450, it is very complicated,” says Alex de Luz, project manager. La Collection.tech New AquitaineSince spring 2022, Emmaus Connection I launched this system in New Aquitaine to offer a more economical solution for the people I support.

First, the association recovers end-of-life computers free of charge from businesses and communities in the region. “Companies are encouraged to extend the life of their equipment but they can’t always do so, particularly due to safety standards. For them, solidarity reuse is a good alternative,” says Alex de Luz.

Computers, tablets or smartphones, the IT equipment must be modern enough for Emmaüs Connect to accept it. “We don’t want to under-equip the audiences we follow. For a computer for example, we make sure it is efficient and less than 6 years old, so that it can support updates,” explains Alex de Luz.

Computers from 70 euros

The equipment is then refurbished by local partner companies, respecting strict specifications, before being put up for sale. It can also be distributed to one of the 12 digital relays in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, which collect it in Bordeaux to sell it in other departments in the region. For a refurbished laptop, you have to pay between 70 and 150 euros, depending on the characteristics of the product.

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“After two years, we are very happy, the approach is starting to bear fruit. We have collected more than 2,300 pieces of equipment and equipped more than 1,700 people in the region,” says Alex de Luz. With donors like Maeve, those who renew her solidarity love her. coordinator And her solidarity conveys the same. HoroscopesShe hopes to see this system grow even bigger.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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