Quantum Supremacy: New Record Set by Quantinuum Quantum Computer

New quantum computer called H2-1 And developed by the company Quantity Achieved quantum supremacy and broke a new world record by outperforming the machine by a hundred times. sycamore to GoogleThis feat represents a major advance in the field of quantum computing, and offers new perspectives on this type of technology. As a reminder, quantum computers use qubit Which can exist “simultaneously” in several states, making it possible to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers.

Quantum Supremacy, the Holy Grail of Future Computing

The idea of ​​quantum supremacy refers to the moment when a quantum computer performs a specific task (much) faster than a classical supercomputer. Achieving this supremacy requires a large number of qubits, although the latter are prone to errors due to the principles of quantum mechanics themselves. Therefore, the development of more reliable qubits capable of correcting errors is crucial for these machines to reach their full potential and be used in concrete applications (weather simulation, modeling of complex phenomena, etc.).

The Quantinuum feat was achieved using a brand new quantum computer, H2-1, consisting of 56 qubits. The latter achieved a linear entropy score of 0.35, compared to Sycamore (Google)’s score of 0.002. This dramatic advance demonstrates that H2-1 can perform calculations with a much higher level of accuracy while consuming much less power than previous quantum devices. Will it be enough to open the way to practical applications of quantum computing? That remains to be seen.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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