“This is a huge problem for the game,” LoL director admits Riot Games needs to take action against some in-game behavior

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Whether it’s phucks, feeders, or even those who have been insulting your family for 10 generations, it’s unfortunately not uncommon to come across toxic individuals in League of Legends. Riot Games continues to do its best to combat them, and the studio has no intention of letting down its guard. It even admitted a few days ago that it needed to take additional action against a certain type of behavior.

“Soft inters” in the camera lens

In X, Pu Liu, League of Legends director, stated that the studio would now deal with the “soft intent”. Soft intent, for those who do not know, is different from pure intent which consists of openly sabotaging the game by throwing yourself at enemies with the aim of dying, or even by sabotaging your teammates (by destroying their lane for example). Soft intent is a bit more perverse, since it consists of playing of course, but above all doing nothing to help your team. In short, a player who plays “out of the game”, watches most of the game, refusing to score goals, or even helping his team during team fights: in the end, Play not to win.The type of player who can quickly annoy anyone.

So Riot Games decided to address this phenomenon, with Pu Liu even asking the community what penalties should be imposed against this behavior. Thanks to its current technology, particularly Vanguard, League of Legends has the ability to punish, suspend, or ban an account, but it can also go as far as blocking a computer or an IP address on the Internet from connecting to the game.

The players are not nice.

It is not surprising that society supports the imposition of strict, but above all immediate, sanctions. On the other hand, some are more generous, and believe that punishments should be gradual.

  • “Immediately! Honestly, this game is barely playable in its current state.” —Queen
  • “Assuming the discovery is perfect, I will definitely make a move before the physical level penalty. But I will have a temporary physical level ban before the permanent physical level ban. That way, players will realize that they can’t just switch accounts” to smooth out somewhere else. – LEC Woollow
  • “No permanent ban should be issued without some level of human moderation and without at least one repeat incident. Everyone deserves a second chance and certainly deserves to have a real person watching the match to make sure it’s not just a few moments of frustration or a really bad match.” – Khazekage

The definition of a soft-intif itself is also debatable, and as many players point out, it can also be someone who has poor communication (and therefore doesn't take risks, or even that the person in question is playing a bad game), or is in a bad state of mind.

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What actions do you think should be taken against soft power players?

Tess Larson

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