End of applause for these thousands of apps from Play Store

Google is preparing for a major cleanup of the Play Store

For some time now, the Play Store has been under fire for hosting low-quality or even dangerous apps.

To address these concerns, Google has decided to tighten the selection criteria for apps on its platform. According to GoogleThe goal is ” Ensure an optimal user experience by removing outdated apps or apps that do not comply with new security standards.

New Google Requirements

Google now imposes stricter quality and security standards on app developers. All apps will need to meet updated privacy, user interface, and functionality standards.

In other words, apps that don't have regular updates or have security vulnerabilities will be automatically removed from the Play Store.. a ” cleaning “Necessary and aimed at” Protect users from potentially malicious applications

Targeting “unnecessary” applications.

Google is also focusing on apps that are considered “ Useless »These are apps that offer no real added value to users, such as copycat apps or disguised adware. Google wants that. Improve the relevance of available applications » Encouraging developers to produce high-quality applications.

as shown lemon juiceGoogle does preliminary filtering before putting apps online in the Play Store: In 2023, 2.3 million applications were rejected by the platform. But in light of yields Users, it is still not enough. Currently, The Play Store has 3.3 million apps in its inventory. Therefore, it is possible that several thousand of them will be deleted by the end of 2024.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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