It didn't take long for ChatGPT o1-mini to become available in a free version.

The smallest member of the ChatGPT family has everything the big one has, with a few extra things that can make a big difference with its big brothers. The o1-mini, a lighter version of the o1, is capable of “ Think before you respond “Unlike previous models, which tended to respond immediately, the o1-mini takes the time to evaluate the pros and cons before formulating its response. This calmer approach allows it to tackle complex problems with an ingenuity unmatched to date.

But where o1-mini really shines is in the sciences and maths. In a test based on the International Mathematical Olympiad qualifying exam, o1-mini virtually crushed its predecessor GPT-4o, scoring 83%, compared to a paltry 13%. These performances rival those of PhD students in specialized fields like physics, chemistry, and biology.

This little genius also cheats when it comes to programming. With the results placing him at 89H Percentile (in statistics, the value of a variable that divides a continuous variable into 100 equal groups) during Codeforces competitions, the o1-mini is sure to interest programmers and developers. All this, and this is no small feat, in a more compact and less resource-intensive form than its big brother, the o1.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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