Code Week: Discover the job of a web and mobile developer

Published on October 14, 2024

• Updated October 14, 2024


The job of web and mobile developer attracts many young people thanks to its innovative side and the development opportunities it provides. Whether they're designing websites or apps, developers play a major role in the digital world. But what does this job really consist of? What are the differences between front-end, back-end and full stack developer? Above all, what skills do you need to acquire to embark on this path? Discover the peculiarities and perspectives of this thriving profession.

Eurocode Week

Marking Code Week : European Code Week, we highlight web and mobile development careers. This Code Week is a citizens' initiative that aims to teach coding and digital literacy to everyone in a fun and engaging way.

Web and mobile development is a booming sector that is attracting more and more young people who are passionate about technology, artificial intelligence, and innovation. Whether you're interested in how the websites you visit are created, or you're fascinated by the apps on your smartphone, this could be the job for you! But what exactly does A IT developerWhat are the different specializations possible? Below is an overview of this field that continues to evolve.

The developer's role: building tomorrow's network

As a developer, your main task is to design and create websites, mobile applications or software. To do this, you must first understand the needs of your customer or business, then imagine the structure and design of the platform. Then it's time for technology: you write the code, which is the foundation of any website or application, to turn these ideas into reality.

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Your job isn't just about writing lines of code: a good developer knows how to solve problems, test their creations to fix bugs, and make sure everything works correctly on different devices and browsers. He must also closely monitor technological developments, because the tools and languages ​​used are evolving rapidly in this sector.

Different specializations: backend, frontend and full stack

The developer profession is divided into several specializations, each of which has its role and characteristics:

  • Front-end developer : You care about the visible part of the site, that is, what users see and what they interact with. Your goal is to make the site attractive, intuitive, and convenient. The languages ​​you will mainly use are HTMLthe CSS and Javascript. For example, if you've ever seen a drop-down menu or inline animation, it's thanks to the front-end developer.
  • Backend developer : You are working on the hidden part of the site, the part that users do not see. Here, everything happens “under the hood”: database management, security, and information processing. To do this, you will use languages ​​like PHP, Python, Ruby Or even Java. If the front end is the body of the car, then the rear end is the engine that makes it move.

Image of backend developer
  • Full stack developer : You're a bit like the Swiss Army knife of development, because you're able to work on both the front-end and the back-end. This profile is increasingly sought after because it allows you to manage projects more independently.

Image of a Full-Stack developer

Web vs. Mobile: Two very different domains

Even if web and mobile developers share common skills, they work in different environments. the Web development It consists of creating websites or platforms that can be accessed through a browser (such as Google Chrome or Firefox). This includes showcase websites, blogs, and e-commerce platforms.

the Mobile developmentIt focuses on creating applications for smartphones and tablets, which are downloaded directly through app stores such asApp Store or Google Play. Here you will use languages ​​like Swift For iOS or Kotlin for android. There are also “hybrid” languages ​​e.g Original reaction or flutterWhich allows you to develop applications for both systems at the same time.

Image of flutter developer

The choice between these two areas depends on your preferences: are you more comfortable with a large screen and rich interfaces, or do you prefer to work on smaller screens, taking into account the peculiarities of each operating system?

How much can a developer earn?

Developer salaries vary based on experience, specialty, and geographic location. At the beginning of their career, a web developer can expect to earn between Total 30,000 and 35,000 euros per year. After a few years of experience, this salary can increase to 45,000 euros or more for a front-end developer, and up to 60,000 euros For back-end developer.

As for mobile developers, they often earn slightly higher salaries because skills in this field are scarce. A novice iOS or Android developer can communicate between them Total 35.000 and 40.000 euros per yearAnd easily accessed 60,000 to 70,000 euros With experience. For their part, full-stack developers are among the highest paid, and salaries can exceed 70,000 euros For higher profiles.

So the job of a developer is not only exciting, but also offers great development prospects and attractive wages. So, are you ready to embark on this adventure and program the world of tomorrow?

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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