Atmo Hauts-de-France launches a mobile application to monitor air quality in real time

You can now measure the quality of the air you breathe at home or when traveling in the area in real time. Atmo Hauts-de-France is launching a free mobile app called Air to go.

This application has already been deployed in several regions of France and, thanks to geolocation, allows you to monitor the air quality hour by hour as close as possible to your home. You can refer to today's and next day's air index, the most abundant pollutants, to know what you are breathing each day.

From street to street, air quality can vary

“Per day, we breathe on average 15,000 liters of air, so even if there are not many pollutants per liter of air, this has an impact on health.” explains Hélène Defillers, Director of Atmo Hauts-de-France. With the app, it is “To provide a real service to citizens, and to say what the air quality is on my street, at my work, where I go to spend my free time, and where I walk with my children.”

From one street to another, the air quality is not necessarily the same. “There are narrow streets that concentrate pollutants more than others, because if there are very tall buildings, the pollutants don't get distributed. So we can choose which streets we want to walk or run on. And you can choose the times. If you're in the city, going out during rush hour, it's not Definitely the best idea, especially if you're sensitive to pollution.“, confirms Hélène Devillers.

Choose the air you breathe

The app advises you on the right behaviors you should follow based on the air quality, if you are a sensitive person. You can also plan your trips on foot or bike and limit your exposure to pollution. You can be informed if there is a contamination alert in your partition. A simple look at the application and you will know the seriousness of pollen allergy.

In Hauts-de-France, there are 48 stations that measure air quality and pollution levels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The data is analyzed by forecasters and compared to weather data in order to make forecasts

Air to Go is free. It is available on Google Play andApp Store. It can already be used in the regions of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, and soon in the Grand Est region.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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