How Belle Epine Shopping Center serves color-blind people with a mobile app

About 4% of French people suffer from color blindness, a deficiency that affects men more than women. The managers of the Belle Epine shopping center in Thiais (Val-de-Marne) calculated that this rather obvious difficulty in distinguishing shades of color could concern 520 of their 14,000 annual customers. He explains that they therefore decided to implement technology aimed at facilitating shopping for to them Paris News This Tuesday.

It all starts with the photo

That's why Belle Epine is the first shopping center in France to offer a device that visitors can activate via a mobile application called ColorADD. The latter provides users with access to a color coding system making it easier for them to select a shade. Color-blind people simply need to take a photo of an article or banner with their smartphone to avoid disturbance.

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“It has happened to me several times that the cashier told me that the pork I was buying did not have a good color,” testified Yvonne Etienne, a customer who could not distinguish the color red. It's more green than pink! He welcomed the availability of the device, considering it “a good solution when there is no one around me to check the color.”

Brooke Vargas

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