Onet Le Chateau. Fifth grade students at Saint Viateur-Canaguet School got their own computer

This Thursday, Valérie Abadi Roque and Jean-Philippe Abinel came to hand over computers provided by the Department Council to 93 fifth-year students of the college.

The desire shown by the Aveyron Department Council, in a world where digital technology has become essential, to provide all fifth-grade students in the department's 43 institutions with a computer, an essential tool, with the same equal opportunities, for their academic, personal and interested students. Then professional success and so more than 3,000 computers were distributed, including 93 this Thursday morning at San Viator Canagate College. Modern laptops (a potential investment, due to group purchasing) were assigned by name to each young person, who would become full owners only at the end of their secondary education. Proud and grateful young men listened intently as the two department members explained their duties and those of the department council, before returning to the computer. We hope you take good care of it. We believe in you, your potential and your ability to shape the future of Aviron. By offering you this digital tool, we want to give you all the cards you need to succeed, innovate, execute and thus contribute to the impact of our department. We wish you all the best and success in your university years and studies… “, Elected officials said.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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