Techland is acknowledging the announcement of the game very early

Techland Trapped in silence for months about Death light 2, And this lack of news coupled with a very unsuspecting survey about evolution alarmed those who have waited for the game since its announcement and those who have waited for the game. The studio will soon speak to reassure and even started answering a few questions on Twitter to say everything is going well.

Far from being catastrophic?

In response to someone who was concerned about the annoying echoes being heard about the game’s development, the game’s official Twitter account has already acknowledged that, ” The game was announced very early Β», But development is proceeding quietly, on the basis that the title has always known progress regardless of what is going on behind the scenes.

Then the studio determines that according to its own definition, it was not Dave Hell We’ll then let you judge the veracity of this statement, in other words, Techland wouldn’t have said publicly on Twitter that the development ran into complications due to its CEO.

whatever, Death light 2 He will deliver more news from March 17th, which is good news for everyone who waits.

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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