Gard: Alain Dubois’s extraordinary traveling mammoth, the future mascot of Dorfort

An innovation intended to reconnect the population and the beast was discovered in 1869.

I tried to make a friendly animalThe mammoth has a good head. Currently, it is only in the stage of a metal skeleton wearing the net, but already its torso (a ventilation duct), its eyes (the lamps that will be energized by a solar collector) and its defenses start (the drains are wrapped in the newspaper), ”explains Alain Dubois. ) To give it its final look.

Alain Dubois has lived in Dorffort for many years and has always been fascinated by the history of the mammoth, which was discovered here in 1869. A roadmaker discovers tusks in the ground, believes they are tubes, and places them by the side of the road. An unbelievable coincidence, the engineer Paul Cazales de Fondos and the archaeologist Jules Ollier de Marichard who excavated a cave not far from there, they pass by and recognize in these “tubes” the tusks of the mammoth.

Excavations made it possible to discover a standing specimen, incredibly well preserved, with other animals: rhinos, hippos … all of them were trapped in swamp mud.

However, the mammoth will stay in Dorffort for a short time. In several cases, he will go to the Natural History Museum in Paris, which is in the process of being restored.

“Durfort has been stripped of its titan”

Dorffort was quickly stripped of his giant“, Notes Alain Dubois, who has always found this story extraordinary. The healthy context forced this enthusiast of theater to stop training with several companies in Uzès and N Havingmes. Having time, retiree, graphic designer, furniture designer as he objected, he was also trained In all of his construction careers, he decides to dedicate himself to a somewhat insane project that has been on his mind for a long time: the mammoth clone.

He has been working there in his garden since January. The animal is 5 meters long and 3.50 meters high. The real length is 7 meters and the height is 4 meters. Alain Dubois voluntarily lowered the scale because he hoped the mammoths would not remain in his lawn. “The idea is to have it circulate in the village on the occasion of holidays, for example.

The ingenious handyman planned everything: wheels that allow him to go in full swing (side legs move together), high ball, steering rod, hand brake …

He is a giant of folklore. “ Its creator determines who it wants to become a kind of mascot for the village. It also plans to invite residents, “As soon as the state of health permits, ribbons of colored fabric are attached to the mesh structure for wear during the first public celebrationThen he will present this amulet to the associations so that they can organize popular walking tours. The mammoth will also make a noise: it will have a bell in its stomach and its mouth will be able to escape from the vaporizers …

A great way for the village to bring back this legendary animal, deeply rooted in the collective memory.

Mammoth star …

In November, the Natural History Museum launched a subscription to mammoth restoration. wow! Raising 100,000 euros in a few days … And the mayor of Dorffort, Robert Condomins, has embarked on projects to renew the association with the mammoth. He’s already planning a great party with the creation of Alain Dubois, “Maybe for our first music festival in July.” He is also in contact with the museum to see if it is possible to restore the metal frames that support the mammoth, which, after restoration, you will not need anymore …

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Brooke Vargas

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