Verneol. Mobile home access to the tennis club verniollais

If you’ve ever seen a caravan, with springtime, near the tennis courts in Verniolle, it’s thanks to Aubert et Duval’s business council that makes this space generously available to the club. The tennis club thanks him very much.

While waiting for the club house

It was necessary to have a place to store educational and sports materials and a reception for the parents of the children of the tennis schools and the members of the club. The construction of the club house was part of the architectural project that preceded, a few decades ago, the construction of the canteen … The years have passed and the need for a solid building with the necessary showers and toilets for the club did not materialize.

Town Hall, which is struggling with budget, does not plan this investment for 2021 but does ensure that it is interested in supporting this club project as soon as possible. It will participate in operating the water and electricity networks of the mobile home and enable it to secure it thanks to the skills of its technical teams. The tennis players Verniollais Thanks and Hope.

A little extra for the club

Club members appreciate the ability to build on a new structure, provide little extra for the club, but also in light of future deadlines after confinement: the resumption of tournaments and events in particular.

They hope, given the importance of tennis in Ariège and Verniolle (with more than 80 licenses), that the speedy construction of the clubhouse will place them on par with most clubs in the division. The temporary solution provided by the mobile home should not be prolonged in time, it is not applicable over time!

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TCV office members want formal commitments from local communities and eagerly await a meeting with the municipalities of Verniolle, Varilhes and Varilhes Tennis Club, so they can take advantage of slots on the adjacent indoor court.

TCV continues its sporting path, hoping for new favorable rebounds from the little yellow ball. With his warm welcome and snowshoe projects, don’t hesitate to come and join him.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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