A telecom company donates many toys to children in several municipalities in Abidjan

This caravan, initiated by the global telecom company Moov Africa Côte d’Ivoire, is on 3y Editing. On this occasion, children of the municipalities of Abobo, Trishville, Yopougon, Marcouri and Kumasi received many toys.

Children from vulnerable families in the spotlight

This caravan aims to support local elected officials and regional authorities, through the donation of toys, in their social and solidarity activities for the benefit of their fellow citizens and especially children of vulnerable and disadvantaged families.

About a hundred games were shown on each of the visited town halls

In this third edition, the mobile operator presented about a hundred games for each of the visited town halls. The directors of this company indicated that this initiative is part of the global vision of the mobile operator that is firmly committed to integration, along with the promise to democratize telecom services and the promise of high-quality telecom offerings and “generous” corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in its activities .

“Magic Christmas Nest”

Through this act of solidarity and sharing, the company intends to help bring a little happiness to the most disadvantaged children and families and allow them to experience a magical Christmas. The municipal authorities that received the donations expressed their sincere thanks to the mobile operator for this act of generosity and solidarity.

Last year (December 3-12, 2020), town halls were visited in many inland regions of the country, notably Abengoro, Adzobi, Agboville, Dabo and Jacqueville by the Caravan of Generosity and Solidarity initiated by the same mobile operator or worker. On this occasion, the company that turned into Santa Claus presented to these different cities many gifts and presents consisting mainly of toys of high value and educational effect for children in order to support them in their various works and related activities. Christmas for the little ones.

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