According to Jerome Saint-Marie, “Emmanuel Macron remains the master of the game and the outcome.”

It would be necessary to see in detail from the crowd or not. What is true is that the injunction to ban Marine Le Pen worked. Many moral authorities and unions …

It would be necessary to see in detail from the crowd or not. What is true is that the injunction to ban Marine Le Pen worked. Many moral, union, scientific, economic and technical authorities have voiced their opinion, this message is important, especially when you see the heads of the CGT and CFDT demanding Macron’s inclusion despite a promise to retire at age 65. It was Macron’s opponents who campaigned in the second round, and demanded a vote Him, like Fabian Russell or Yannick Gadot. Even Jean-Luc Mélenchon, if not clearly calling for a vote for the outgoing president, insisted that Marine Le Pen did not need a vote. For an ordinary French, moderately politicized, all these messages revitalize a proportional choice among the candidates which has led to increased participation.

Why does Jean-Luc Mélenchon say Macron is the worst elected president?

I did not understand his statement. Unless he bases his account on the participation rate. But it has no value. What we remember is the 58% of Macron who, when it wasn’t that easy, got re-elected, who have indisputable legitimacy. Melenchon is embarrassed by his position between the two rounds when he wanted to embody the fiercest opposition to Emmanuel Macron and ended up giving up the possibility of voting for him. The only real opponent is Marine Le Pen, who reached the final again and made no concessions to her opponent. 42% may seem disappointing for a finalist, but it’s not a humiliating failure. Disappointment is relative as no poll has awarded it a winner. Marine Le Pen has a natural image, which does not mean improving it.

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Can Marine Le Pen or Jean-Luc Melenchon force coexistence on the winner?

It will be very difficult because there will be duels in the legislative elections mainly. Macron improved his score in the first round and expanded his electoral base. The PS and LR crisis will continue. Macron will certainly have the maximum number of eligible candidates for the second round of the legislative elections against the maximum number of candidates from the National Republic Party or Insomes. Or parties among which the exchange of votes seems unimaginable. Both represent the popular vote, but this vote is divided, and irreconcilable, which suits Macron.

He himself will have a more diverse majority.

Tess Larson

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