Android Auto raises the bar for driving-related apps

This is an area where CarPlay has been more open than competing Google’s solution: the access provided to third-party apps specialized for car use..

While it was possible, for example, TomTom Go, Coyote, or Sygic to be used on the CarPlay screen, Android Auto restricted the choice of drivers on Waze and Google Maps, as well as on the home apps. What bothered the competition solutions editors.

This restriction has now been lifted. After beta test Launched Last August, application developers from a handful of car categories Will be able It is offered to users. Apps for navigation, but also for finding and using parking lots, or even for locating and using electric vehicle charging stations.

Google worked with some partners to test the library (Android for Cars App Library 1.0) that they would have to integrate to make their apps easy to use while driving. It is also necessary to simplify the life of developers who will encounter screens of about 500 types of vehicles running Android Auto.

According to the census set last year, Google Play had more than 3000 apps related to usage on the road. Then all of that was banned from trading on Android Auto.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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