Android users watch out! Find out about smartphone virus – camouflage is very bad

The new virus is harmful: Android users watch out!

© dpa / Zacharie Scheurer

Sneaky virus is spreading on Android smartphones. Find out where it comes from and how you can protect yourself here.

Munich – Warning to all Android users: There is a new and medium virus currently threatening smartphones from all manufacturers. How Reports are mainly pictures and messages (like SMS and WhatsApp chats) Attacked. Since the virus is called a “remote access trojan” – which is a remote access Trojan horse – it gives the hacker complete control over the device. It can then record calls, track browsing history, and even take photos with the front and rear cameras.

Smartphone virus: Trojan horse is hiding itself as an update

Chip It warns above all about the virus’s camouflage: it’s hiding as a system update that doesn’t look very different from the official update. It even has a Google logo on it. An unsuspecting user might be tempted quickly to tap the notification to implement the ‘update’ – then really get caught in the trap

Once the malware becomes on a smartphone, all that is required is a trigger to activate it. All you have to do is add a new contact, receive a message, or download an app.

A sinister disguise: The virus is a Google update

© dpa / Matt Rourke

Danger to all Android smartphones: Where does the virus come from?

How dangerous malware is should be clear. But how do you even get to a smartphone?

The biggest risk here is high chip Download apps and content from the internet instead of Google Play Store. If the virus attacks the smartphone during such a download, it informs the user in the push notification – that is, in a message displayed directly on the mobile phone – that it is looking for available updates (this is not the case with real updates), by the way, the case).

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Smartphone virus: Mobile phone security is more important than ever

So the first step in protecting yourself from the Android virus is to abstain from downloads from the Internet and get all necessary apps from the Google Play Store. If you want to extend your mobile phone security further, you should definitely get a suitable protection program. For example, “Bitdefender Mobile Security” and “Norton Antivirus” got good reviews. (fairy)

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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