Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs, the successful adaptation of a successful mobile game in virtual reality, is the daily deal of the day! (May 1, 2022)

Every day there is a promotion onQuest Oculus Store And if this does not match the discounts offered during previous big sales, significant savings are still offered.

Daily Deal Oculus Quest 2021.09.09 Angry Birds VR Isle of Pigs

Angry Birds VR: Island of Pigs In English, it is compatible with cloud save (No loss in progress if uninstalled) And it is via purchasewhich means that he bought it onOculus StoreYou can also redeem for free His PC version VR to run it vialouver linkAnd Airlink where virtual desktop. It is automatically selected by Quest games optimizer.

  • Angry Birds VR: Island of Pigs (€11.99 14.99 € -20%) (324.4 MB) (French) (C) (4.6/5) (May 21, 2019) – Peggy 3
    Did you enjoy playing with Angry Birds on your phone? So, immerse yourself in this virtual reality version that really spices up this type of game. Standing up, with your virtual bird arch you will demolish ugly little pigs structures.

If you haven’t taken the initiative yet, you can treat yourself with a Oculus Quest 2 in home BakerThe FnakAnd Dart where Amazon for 349.99 euros.

Read also: Oculus Quest Store: VR Editions of the Week for Quest 2 and Quest 1

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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