Apex Legends Mobile reportedly generated about a third of CoD Mobile’s first week’s revenue

Apex Legends Mobile It is estimated to have generated nearly $5 million in player spend in its first week of availability.

Developed by a team dedicated to Repetition In cooperation with TencentAt Lightspeed & Quantum Studios, the team behind it pubg portableIt was Apex Legends Mobile It was released for iOS and Android devices on May 17th.

to love Apex Legends for arc and the computerIt’s free and does not include paid items that provide an in-game feature, but it is backed by a premium battle card and an in-game shop that sells cosmetics.

mobile data tracking company sensor tower It was estimated that Apex Legends Mobile generated $4.8 million in player spending in its first seven days on the App Store and The Google Take.

The United States was the largest country in terms of player spending, accounting for 44% ($2.1 million) of total revenue, followed by Japan and Thailand.

PUBG Mobile made around $600,000 within seven days of introducing in-game monetization in April 2018, while Call of Duty: Mobile It grossed $14.8 million in the first week after its October 2019 release, according to Sensor Tower.

PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty Mobile have now generated more than $8 billion and more than $1.5 billion in lifetime player spending, respectively, according to Sensor Tower.

He said Apex Legends Mobile was the most downloaded iPhone game in 60 countries on May 17, including the US, UK, Japan, India and Germany.

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Global installs in the first week were highest in the US, followed by India and Brazil.

Apex Legends Mobile reportedly generated about a third of CoD Mobile's first week's revenue

As with the original Apex Legends in the console and PC space, you are expected to experience the new mobile version of the game Call of Duty Warzone. Call of duty thus.

Activision This month it confirmed that the mobile version of its Battle Royale hit, codenamed “Project Aurora,” I entered a closed alpha testBefore Possible release later this year.

Apex Legends Editor electronic arts Also working on mobile battlefieldWhat CEO Andre Wilson He said this month May be released before April 2023.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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