Apple Airtag Tips and Tricks

Small object Well done, easy to use and usefulVery useful, like the one announced by Apple in April 2021 along with the new color iMacs, the purple iPhone 12, the iPad Pro with the M1 chipset and the new Apple TV 4K, have been at the center of the rumors and rumors for several months. He has arrived.

Its name is AirTag, Apple AirTag To be exact, he reaches out to all the forgetfuls who own a product with an apple bite. It is nothing but a file Bluetooth trackerSmall thing that needs to be secured for certain things – keys, backpacks, bikes, anything – to find them through the smartphone in case they are lost.

A simple object in principle and construction, has been around for years, yet the Apple men have recreated the work with their acclaimed attention to detail. AirTag is compact, aesthetically pleasing, extremely easy to use, and last but not least. It integrates perfectly With components of Apple’s “imaginary” ecosystem.

With AirTag and iPhone, it is enough to secure the first item and open the application where is she In a second to locate it at any time. So this is a series of Tips and tricks To get the most out of the union between one or more AirTags and Apple devices.

Very simple first link

Apple airtag

In perfect harmony with Apple’s traditions, even First AirTag configuration It is a children’s game. Anyone who has had to deal with a pair of AirPods already knows how stressful the initial setup of a new product with Apple can be in any way, and AirTags are no exception.

Ready to go: After taking the AirTag out of the package and removing the plastic tab that prevents the battery from operating, just bring it a few centimeters off the iPhone to notice how the two recognize each other in the blink of an eye. The iPhone at this point suggests starting with the initial configuration, which is a procedure that consists of very few steps.

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How to track an AirTag

Apple airtag

Where the Apple AirTag offers its best: Track a missing item. Doing so is very simple: you just have to open the application where is she, Go to the tab Devices Using the four buttons at the bottom of the screen, if you have more than one button, locate the AirTag that you want to track and touch, and finally, by swiping to the top of the tab, select the default button corresponding to what you want to do from several suggested options.

Pretending to track it, the iPhone will call the AirTag or, if this is not possible due to the distance, it will suggest Move in search of the signal. When you approach the object to which the AirTag is applied, the remaining distance and “directions” will appear on the phone screen.

The process is most effective if the AirTag was searched by iPhone 11 or later due to the presence of a fileUltra broadband o UWB, which makes it possible to greatly increase the accuracy of detection and thus the accuracy of the indicators to reach the missing object. On earlier iPhones, Bluetooth Low Energy is used instead.

What to do if you lose an AirTag

If yes Lost The AirTag or, worse still, a backpack or bag with the AirTag tag inside should move a little differently. You still have to open the app where is she, Go to the department Devices, Select the AirTag you want to search for and activate the profile Mark it as missing In the last part of the tab that opens.

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Once you touch the button Skills, On the next screen you have to activate Notify when found To receive an alert when another Apple device detects it – that is -. At this point it is also possible Associated with AirTag A phone number so that anyone who finds it can contact the owner.

We should definitely hope that he ends up tracking down a decent person, but after all, by ditching this method beforehand Mark it as missing The possibility of restoring them will be completely eliminated.

What to do if AirTag is found

The opposite case to the previous case. The possibilities of making a noble gesture like returning a lost thing like AirTag to its rightful owner are of great concern to users. iOS As much as they use Male in appearance.

The Secret he is In NFC, Found in every AirTag. This way, as soon as you approach any smartphone with active NFC technology as if you were to pay for something offline, a webpage opens with details to contact the owner such as the phone number if the AirTag is marked as missing.

How to change the AirTag name

Apple airtag

During the initial setup, you are given the option to choose a file AirTag nameBut it is not the only opportunity to do so. In fact, you just have to open the app at any time where is she, Open the tab Devices, Press the AirTag to rename, pull the tab up and select the option rename.

How to separate AirTag from Apple ID

Unfortunately, Apple has not planned to share the AirTag with others Apple id, Such as those that form the nucleus of a family. Thus AirTag can only be linked to one Apple account, which is necessary Remove it from the account To set it to last.

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To do this, you need to open the application where is she With the account that AirTag is linked to, select the object via the tab Devices Tab and scroll up to the entry Remove this device. Once the action is complete, AirTag beeps to confirm and is Ready to link to another account.

How to replace the AirTag battery

Apple airtag

Once the battery is discharged, which Apple says will be able to operate the device for more than a year, The AirTag should not be thrown away To buy a new one. Replacing the battery with a new one is a fairly simple process that takes no more than a minute.

Moreover, it is noted that when it reaches very low charge levels, the AirTag alerts the user of the need for an imminent replacement of a new battery through Attention On iPhone, until a month ago. There’s plenty of time to prepare for a replacement, but the AirTag’s life-giving button battery is still very popular and thus easy to find (it’s the CR2032).

You have to rotate the device with the Apple logo facing up, and gently press with both thumbs to rotate the plate with the apple counterclockwise, lift the cap and finally replace the depleted battery, Regroup AirTag performs reverse steps.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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