Battlefield 2042 also blames the Xbox for game failure

The most harsh words used by the EA to justify what we can define as the defeat of Battlefield 2042.

Battlefield 2042 Constantly stumbles, a lot. In fact, the video game was created He says And published This is AT Did not meet the predictions and expectations of gamers around the world. After V, in fact, the saga was expected to return to the past, proposing again what was seen on Battlefield 3 or 4, but apparently in a modern and next-gen key.

The most harsh words used by the EA to justify what we can define as the defeat of Battlefield 2042.

Unfortunately, the title is far from what everyone wanted. It was believed that they could get a title in their hands who wanted to get back to the best level, get back into the game and recover from the competition. Call of duty, Dominated its number one opponent for many years without competition. It is in a very difficult situation now.

Battlefield 2042, a difficult situation due to the Hollow Infinite

Nowadays the number of gamers on Battlefield 2042 servers is declining day by day. And there are some Countries with less than a hundred people playing, Which makes matchmaking completely impossible. Following this the situation will get worse Bad decision made Updates required for some cameras.

Battlefield 2042

Examine the situation, Laura Honey, EA’s Chief Studio Officer, analyzed the weaknesses and factors that led to the situation where the game finds itself. Underlining the inherent flaws of the title in terms of Kamble and the opening, Read on XfireAn Xbox title also points to the culprit of the situation.

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We’m openly talking about Hollow Infinite, a game that came out almost simultaneously and raised the bar a lot. Xbox title, in Miele words, release period: “Since Hollow Infinite is a very polished topic, it is not favorable because the battlefield had 2042 errors and was not polished.“.

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Veronica Tucker

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