Battlefield 6 Cross-Zen, EA’s Andy McNamara invites everyone to calm down – Nert 4.Life

Battlefield 6 Sarah Cross-genSo, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | Available not only on the S but also on previous generation consoles, the PS4 and the Xbox One: the news of the inevitable controversy prompts Andy McNamara to call everyone to calm down.

The thing is, a few days ago the PS5 and Xbox Series X | Battlefield 6 release in S.A. Confirmed, and all fans of the series expect great things from it.Next Gen Exclusive, Instead having a sense of a defined and abandoned plan after the last hour of news.

“I see concern about news about the cross-gen nature of the new Battlefield I urge you to wait for more details, “McNamara wrote.” Just because one thing is true, does not mean that another cannot be. “

McNamara, a former editor of Game Informer magazine, is in charge of communications Electronic Arts Sniper titles from Star Wars franchise would also be appropriate.

It is clear that the development team believes in the characteristics of Battlefield 6 and that the game will take full advantage of the potential of the next gen platforms beyond the decision to come out. PS4 e Xbox One.

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Veronica Tucker

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