The Public Investment Bank is embarking on a tour of France to promote entrepreneurship among the French.
From July 16 to August 20, the big tour, organized by Bpifrance, the public investment bank created by François Hollande in 2012, will cross the French shores (from Étables-sur-Mer to Savines-le-Lac, passing through Saint-Malo, Carnac or even Arcachon) to meet young people and families at their vacation spots. The goal of the operation? “Promoting entrepreneurship among all French people”, explain Patrice PJ, CEO of Bpifrance. This public body, divided into 42 regional branches, is responsible for the financial support of commercial innovation. Last summer, the event brought together 19 million people, in physics as well as online. “A year after this pandemic that shocked us, the big tour is back to life tour!”, Patrice Begay, the initiator of the festival, is excited.
Read also: Be France campaigns for a “French North African deal”
Although it will be necessary to remain masked, the activities planned will be festive. Virtual reality workshops will lead to a
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