Blizzard will change the name of the Overwatch hero

Blizzard Entertainment has announced the name change of McCree, an Overwatch character referring to a developer allegedly linked to the scandal currently plaguing the company.

« Going forward, our video game characters will no longer be named in reference to actual employees, and we’ll be more thoughtful and insightful about our references to reality in future Overwatch content. Blizzard Entertainment announced in Tweet posted on August 26. The company, filed a lawsuit in the United States NS ” Constant sexual harassment ” And ” Discrimination », This decision was made due to a character problem in Note and watch, No The name refers to a developer He left the company because of the scandal.

In this press release, we learn, logically, that Macri, a hero Note and watchHe’ll change his surname soon. ” We believe it is necessary to change the name of the hero, currently named McCree, to a name that better represents the values ​​that Overwatch stands for. “, justifies the multinational company – values” Inclusion, fairness and hope “. according to Le Washington PostOther references for people with problems have been removed from world of cans.

McCree, Overwatch Champion // Source: Blizzard

Players pointed out the problem

Blizzard Entertainment was slow to formalize this change of McCree’s name, but the decision was necessary to respond to the community-led slinger. Jesse McCree who worked Diablo IV Before his departure, he appears in Cursed article by Kotaku (Where there is evidence of his involvement in despicable cases). After this discovery, petition And some of the commentators in the league Note and watch I stopped using the McCree name. Evidence of real annoyance.

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However, change will not happen overnight. Apparently Blizzard Entertainment has planned a lot of narrative content for Note and watch, in which Macri played a central role. ” Since we want to incorporate the change into this new arc, we’ll be postponing it until later this year. ”, the company acknowledges. Instead, players will be able to discover a new map. This is Malevento, located in Italy which should have been introduced much earlier according to This article by dexerto Posted in July (before it was withdrawn). Note that the last big addition of Note and watch Starts so far: The character Echo joined the cast in April 2020.

If the change is going to take time, it is simply because the developers will have to search for all references to McCree’s name in the game (the many dialogues, for example). Perhaps it would have been easier to kill the character and replace it with a clone by finding a text file believable enough for fans to accept.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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