Bosch officially launched in China

On December 22, the Chinese company Bosch formalized the launch of the “Bosch Chingling” hydrogen fuel cell project. This includes in particular the construction of a plant scheduled to enter service in 2023.

This new project will focus on the research, development, design and sales management of the hydrogen system in the Chongqing region of China. The aim of this initiative is to create a “Hydrogen Valley” in western China that will encourage local companies to use hydrogen in their activities. Bosch hydrogen powertrains will supply hydrogen fuel cell zero-emission powertrains as part of this project. In September 2021, trucks equipped with this system conducted a preliminary test for a distance of 308 kilometers from Chongqing to Chengdu. A few weeks later, in December, the company produced and sold more than 70 hydrogen units.

Giant factory!

Bosch began planning for the construction of the new Chongqing plant in June 2021. The structure will occupy more than 1,450,000 square meters. The first facilities to be built will be a research and development center, a testing center and a manufacturing center, as well as an office building. It covers an area of ​​about 100,000 square meters and is supposed to be commissioned in June 2023.

“Hydrogen will play a very important role in achieving carbon neutrality in ChinaThis was stated by Wang Weiliang, President of China’s Bush.”In accordance with government policies in this field, and thanks to our company’s continuous technological innovations, we will contribute together with our partners to create a true hydrogen ecosystem in Chongqing.. “

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Brooke Vargas

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