Brian thinks outside the movie box by talking about science and nature

Great knowledge was gained in Malmö when a group of dreamers shared their thoughts and ideas on how to show the world to a young audience.

Introducing submarine specialist Roy Kimhi iShark: l’effet domino

Sharks preceded dinosaurs and lived in the oceans 400 million years ago. They help maintain the health of the ecosystem. You are now at the head of a shark. You are the shark, a hammerhead shark, equipped with a unique set of predator senses, and make decisions to explore migration patterns, hunting techniques and the dangers faced by sharks. You see everything underwater with a clarity that is impossible for a human being. Now you have to escape from the fishing nets … ” Andy Beat, Former diving specialist BBC The Natural History Unit (BHU) is part of the team behind creating featured programs such as The blue planetDescribe your new project iShark: l’effet dominoIt was created jointly with a fellow submarine specialist Roy Kimhi. The 360-degree interactive virtual reality experience is one of six “case studies” presented at the age of 15H Edition from M: Prana Youth Media Content Forum, united under the theme “Science and Natural History Path”.

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The director said, “Most of the time he asks who we are, where we came from, the meaning of everything, and how films should do, and many of them do not.” Hossein Kerembhoy, Who stirred the event with at least “childish” charm like any member of the target audience. After the world of the shark, the Andes Mountains were formed in Peru, where the condor (representing the indigenous people) and the eagle (the globalized) are said to fly side by side again in harmony, all according to Inca prophecy and told by the Chilean creators. Maria Jose Diaz Yeah Francesca Silva at Mystery Ancestors VR, Merging ancient myth and current reality, always with environmental links. “We are making this movie for you who walk the streets every Friday for the environment,” Silva said. The next flight to space set off, to the Trojan asteroids on Jupiter, as part of the upcoming NASA mission, documented in the Spanish project. Behind Lucy By director Alphonse de la Puente And the product Ruth Chow. Its goal is to pursue the mission set in October 2021.

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The scientific hexagram was completed by Children’s land, An interactive application game by Lilia Schneider, Germany, linking the environment, art and entertainment, and integrating them in a way that leads to finding decent solutions to problems revolving around natural problems, responsibility and human influence on nature and sustainability; Between Sajif and Heaven, An animated series of Sami stories Oscar Ostergreen Ngagta, Sweden; Yeah a plus, Which is an augmented reality app containing topics related to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), created by Logan showed meUnited Kingdom, in association with the Guinness Book of Records.

Keeping the young audience at the heart of the project and understanding how they see the world, whether through virtual reality, augmented reality or cinema, was one of the topics covered, which has sometimes become a matter of distribution, especially in the modern era. “Looking for new ways outside the cinema box” The advice has been taken seriously in many projects. “Do it yourself” was another mantra. Currimbhoy’s last statement was: “The more personal you become, the more global you become.” “Times are different, so do something different.”

Each project, which is currently in a different development phase, has been enthusiastically reviewed by M: brane’s youth committee with ‘seniors’ experts. Neil Hartman, From one side CineGlobe Film Festival, CERN, Switzerland; Erem CouchuronAnd the CellPersals and The Documentary Campus, Halle, Germany; Yeah Mikel Thomason, From the Games and Digital Media section in Danish Film Institute In Copenhagen. Children’s landAnd the Behind Lucy Yeah Between Sajif and Heaven It is also part of the 2021 M: brane stadium program (see the information). Silbersalz Director Donata de Perfal Give the inspiring opening speech heartily. Preparations are underway for the 2022 follow-up.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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