Carinter. When gender equality becomes a game

Promote gender equality. No, this is not a very solid conference topic. It is simply one of the hubs on which OBC’s Welcome Babies structures work. Because maybe this is where spirits can really evolve. “This is a topic that we are keen to develop and anchor in our operational habits and lifestyle,” sums Mathilde Rego, Entertainment Tickets Director at La Gacilly-Carentoir. But how do we give a tangible dimension to this topic? In the beginning there was a deep conviction of its importance, But they did participate in a training organized by the Department of Social Cohesion (DDCS) in Morbihan, Van a few weeks ago On the topic of equality between girls and boys, Mathilde Rigaud explained that she found the keys she was lacking in forming this project.

Suddenly, the visual arts training project that the filmmaker had planned for the February school holidays took another dimension with the help of this coaching facilitator Anita Morin, an artist from Belak. Introduce children to drawing, yes, but why not take the opportunity to help them advance on the path to equality between girls and boys? The idea was born to create a board game based on the theme Mistigri. So imagine the kids and produce cards that illustrate this equality by creating “pairs” that share the same values: a cook / cook, a footballer / a soccer player, etc … The goal of the game is to recreate these binaries, and the loser is the person who stays in Hand, the only card that does not have a partner … The challenge in this course was also for the children to take ownership of the project and give it the shape with their own ideas and make the drawings themselves, and history to bring the idea of ​​parity between male and female into people’s minds. 2 days was enough for a group of 8 kids enrolled in this course to build their prototype game with the informed advice of Anita Morin.

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But the adventure doesn’t end there. Because the goal of Mathile Rigaud is to ensure that this game is printed in 70/80 copies which will then be made available to schools and entertainment centers in the OBC area and why the initiative is not keeping CAF’s attention so that it is more widespread. In the end, with only one ambition: to advance gender equality to make it a new way of life that is assumed and lived by an entire society that today’s children are building.

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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