civilization. Agglo Lisieux Normandie welcomes the region’s first roving Micro-folie

Director David Albo introduced Micro-madness to François Aubey, Community President of Lisieux Normandy, and to Guillaume Lericolais, Deputy Governor of Lisieux. (© Le By Doug)

Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 May 2021, In Espace Jean de la Fontaine, in Hauteville County, in Liseo (calvados)Eight people trained (cultural director, digital medium, museum, or live performance team) Mobile Partial Insanity, A digital museum mechanism that La Villette coordinates with the Ministry of Culture, to revive culture for all.

The equipment in particular includes a video projector linked to a tablet device, allowing visitors to get information and bring together the works of their choice among all those that have been digitized. “Everything is designed to be mobile and to get as close as possible to the citizens,” explains Mathilde Leroux-Henard, Director of Cultural Affairs.

The virtual reality headset lets you immerse yourself in immersive photos and videos.
The virtual reality headset lets you immerse yourself in immersive photos and videos. (© Le By Doug)

The Lizio Normandy conglomerate community is the first to welcome it in the region. “In the cultural blueprint of the clustering, youth appear to be a priority,” Francois Opie, president of the Lizio-Normandy community, recalls, stressing the educational potential offered by Micro-folie.

“I am pleasantly surprised,” says Jocelyn Benoist, vice president of Culture Cluster. “I saw this device in its still version and was wondering about its mobile version. It is now planning to invite elected officials to discover it this summer in Lyseo so that it can be used in other municipalities, with different audiences, schools, and residents of nursing homes, for example.

“The cluster’s ambition is to develop fixed nonsense in three or four places. We contemplate the buildings of the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-en-Auge, the Plantation of Breuil, Mézidon Vallée d’Auge, the future site of the Episcopal Palace of Lisieux. There is also a reversal in Orbec. “

Francois OpieCommunity President, Agglomeration Lizio of Normandy

July 13 at the Museum of Art and History

The Lisieux Museum of Art and History will be the first to make use of the collection requested by the Lizieux-Normandy conglomerate community. It will stay there until Halloween. Museum column director Sophie Anfray plans to connect Micro-folie to the museum’s business, changing the theme every two weeks or so. It will be the first trip. Other topics taken into consideration are feelings, games, games, flowers, and animals. Sophie Anfray defines “Medium will activate Micro-folie’s speaker mode”.

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David Albo was introduced to Deputy Governor Guillaume Lyricolaes Fab Lab Mobile Micro Foley.
David Albo was introduced to Deputy Governor Guillaume Lyricolaes Fab Lab Mobile Micro Foley. (© Le By Doug)

Besides this mode, delicate madness is also supplied by Fab Lab. This mini workshop includes, among other things, a 3D printer, “a piece of equipment that kids love,” says Director David Albo. He also recommends using the game library included in the mobile micro-madness: “It’s a great gift to give. You learn better while you have fun.”

The Micro-folie mobile also includes a game library for
The Micro-folie mobile also includes a “learn while having fun” game library. (© Le By Doug)

Wednesday May 5, after training the content the day before, it was all about learning how to set up Micro-madness. “When you get used to it, it takes three quarters of an hour to assemble and less to disassemble,” says David Albo. The director had already seen it spreading elsewhere in France, “a lot in the east and southeast”. He also notes a “waiting list” and adds: “By the end of 2022, there should be a hundred in France.”

During his visit, Guillaume Lericolais, Deputy Governor of Lisieux, invited each museum to develop its content and share it via the platform.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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