Cnil supports 12 innovative projects in the field of digital health, including 3 institutions

The commission announced in February Find three innovative projects In the field of digital health “who will benefit from enhanced support to achieve a technology solution that complies with regulations and respects privacy”.

“Given the quality of the projects submitted,” he will ultimately have four projects to benefit from “enhanced support” as part of his “sandbox” of his personal data, not three.

“An innovative digital health ecosystem has shown very strong interest in this call for projects and data protection. […] To provide special support for eight other projects of great importance for data protection. “

The four winners in Sandbox are:

  • University Hospital of Lille and Inria’s Magnet Team project on unified learning in artificial intelligence applied to clinical studies
  • Flexibility Initiation Project to develop a diagnostic adjuvant solution in oncology
  • The Clinityx Research Office Magellan Project aims to create anonymous statistical indicators to describe populations in medical research
  • The Vertexa Project offers Arras Hospital a virtual reality therapy solution to combat eating disorders in minors.

CNIL received 60 “in different use cases” and then kept 7 requests, which were tested by the evaluation committee.

This committee is chaired by Mary Zane, an Inserm epidemiologist. The other members were Antoine Groho, Head of Innovation at Medtronic, Isabel Gentil, Project Manager in the Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health (DNS), Valerie Peugeot, Cnil Commissioner in charge of the health sector, Thomas Dautieu, Compliance Manager for The Cnil and Bertrand Pailhès, Director Innovation and Technologies at Cnil.

The projects were selected according to four criteria: “the innovative nature of the project, benefit to the public, attention to data protection, and the bearer’s strong commitment to the process”.

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The other eight projects will receive support in the form of a “one-on-one meeting with Cnil teams”. it’s a:

  • MIR Project of Publique Auxiliary Hospitals in Paris (AP-HP): Artificial Intelligence (AI) Imaging for Decision Support in Oncology
  • Mithril: Use of Secure Privacy Pockets Microprocessor
  • N4H could be from the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA): Cloud solution for healthcare data with services
  • Takadoc: an artificial intelligence for the diagnosis and treatment of weight gain
  • Air Liquide Saros: An Anonymity Solution for Chronic Illness
  • Project led by the University of Rennes 1: developing a self-learning system with health data
  • Sharp-Tx: Artificial Intelligence to Predict Alzheimer’s Disease and Apply Preventive Therapy
  • Arkhn: Federal Hospital Data Analysis Tool.

Additionally, “unsuccessful candidates will be able to benefit from webinars hosted by Cnil teams on the topic of health data in the coming months,” the committee said.

Frank Mccarthy

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