Computer provided by the department to restaurants in the heart of Saint-Pol-de-Léon – Saint-Pol-de-Léon

During a meeting in November with Restos du cœur’s managing director, Loïc Spagnol, head of the department, Maël de Calan pledged to provide computers to Restos’ various distribution centers. The local authority regularly renews its IT equipment and, accordingly, refurbished computers. The department’s president and elected representative, accompanied by his partner Aline Chevuchere, gave a computer on Tuesday, January 11th to Michel Creat, Frances Ullmann and Christian Liberace, managers of the San Politen branch that currently has 121 registered families, i.e. 1200 meals are distributed every week.

The PC will be used mainly for administrative organization. The provision of a second computer station for the beneficiaries’ use was also discussed. As Loïc Spagnol mentioned, digital inclusion is also part of the restaurant’s mission. The department must also co-finance a refrigerated truck up to 50%.

Social work is at the heart of the department’s mission and our role is to help caregivers help. It’s a win-win partnership: Auxiliary Societies are an essential means of transportation for agents in this field. Commenting on this, Maël de Calan commented: “Providing them with the tools that enable them to be more efficient on a daily basis and thus has a positive impact on our work.”

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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