Contrast and Shadow Management for Monitors/TVs

The picture quality Your monitor or TV is undoubtedly important and there are two parameters to consider when choosing: variance And the possibility of having black crush. The first refers to The ratio between maximum and minimum brightness, thus providing a parameter for evaluating the display of black and white colors on the screen. A parameter in which there is a file calibration It is essential to have natural-looking images and not miss any detail in defining what is displayed. However, flat black reproduction may occur for a specific defect black crush This particularly affects screens equipped with technology LED backlit LCD screen. Here are what these parameters are, how the bug works and how to correct it.

TV contrast: what it is and how to improve images

TV monitoringThe variance, also called contrast ratio, indicates the difference between the maximum and minimum brightness of Show, that is, the difference between how black and white are displayed on the screen. Since this is a ratio, the value is denoted as “A:B”: for example, a ratio of 1000:1 indicates that a full-field white image will be 1,000 times brighter than a black image. The higher this ratio, the more natural the image will look.

Contrast in TVs is one of the most important aspects of image definition and quality. In screens with technology LCD retroilluminati a LED, the screen will need to block the light emitted by the Thin Film Transistor (TFT) to display black. The result, if the contrast is low, will be a flattening of blacks with an uneven image.

For this reason, LCD screens can be more prone to defects such as black squash, especially for older technology screens.

Manufacturers are trying to fix bugs Show LCD using a new one mini-LED technology, which presents a file Backlight Dimming controlled by algorithms. In this way, the defect can be better controlled but not completely eliminated. On the contrary, screens with OLED technology It offers a theoretically “infinite” contrast ratio, which makes black and white calibration not always necessary and provides much better image quality from this point of view.

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Black Crush: What is the disadvantage of TV and what does it look like

TV monitoringwith the term black crush Indicates a defect in image quality where black color reproduction It looks flattened. The result is the same Loss of details In darker areas of the image, which the user may not notice unless they see the same image on a file Show properly calibrated.

For example, watching a movie may lose detail at the edge of the frame, or in the case of gamers, important image detail during gameplay sessions.

The black crush produces Negative effect on image quality, especially when the monitor or TV is in brightly lit environments. However, the problem does not always depend on Show in use. Flattening black can sometimes be an intentional choice by the director of the movie you’re watching, or due to the source device, such as a video game console. In reality, however, it is always a file TV glitch Related to the characteristics of screens and televisions LCD retroilluminati a LEDand, to a lesser extent, these You are. Indeed, very often in reviews of this kind Show There are references to black crush.

Black Crush: How to deal with shadows

TV monitoringThe shadow management Therefore, it is an important parameter in Calibrate your screenWhich is what you should do every time you buy a new one and change its location in the room. This is because good black and shadow display quality also depends on the lighting in the environment in which you are looking at the screen. To understand whether your TV has this defect and needs to be calibrated, you can take a test: View a dark starry sky. if it was black crush, the star display will not be visible and details will be lost. The user will then have to Manually change the settings From the contrast until you find the most suitable to eliminate the defect.

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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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