Cyberpunk 2077 players make fun of “useless” Perk

Cyberpunk 2077 The past few weeks have provided a lot of feed for fans to see the fun, and one of the game’s offers is no exception. Commando Level 1 Perk is a passive perk that allows soldiers to be undetected while underwater. While this may seem beneficial, the problem is that there are very few areas for the game to explore underwater, which is very ineffective. Reddit user Bilbosswakins shared a funny recollection of how useless Dodge Berg was, and many respondents pointed out that they didn’t even know they could go underwater so quickly!

You can see the Reddit post embedded below.

If you ever feel useless From r / cyberpunkgame

CD Project Red was hoping to add more underwater content Cyberpunk 2077, But simply time is up. It is clear that a lot had to change during the difficult development cycle of the game, as can be seen in this Cyberpunk 2077 As a result, in different ways. It is also possible that Berg was created with the future DLC in mind, but CD Unless Project Red describes this particular situation, it is impossible to say for sure! For now, fans should laugh at this particular perk.

Cyberpunk 2077 It has received a lot of negative attention since its release on December 10th. The game is one of the most anticipated in 2020, and the version released on consoles has failed to deliver the experience of living up to the promise of the PC version. As a result many retailers get a full refund for the game. However, it seems Cyberpunk 2077 Has found many fans. Continuing to release CD Project Red patches and upgrades can improve the dialogue around the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunting. For now, though, fans will continue to have fun at the expense of the game!

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Cyberpunk 2077 Now available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC and Google Play. You can watch all of our previous games Right here.

Have you met this Berg? Cyberpunk 2077 Still? What do you think about the game so far? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter Ar Marktachamp Gaming to talk about all things!

Veronica Tucker

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