Damen continues work on the German diving ship

Damen completes work on the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) dive ship

The Damen Shipyards Group completed construction and equipping of the diving bell vessel for customer FMSW Koblenz (Southwest Machinery Division) / WSA Rhine (Waterways and Shipping Office) on schedule. Upon completion, the ship recently successfully completed river tests.

The ship is being delivered on time despite the difficult circumstances of the Coronavirus outbreak. The shipbuilder said that thanks to the strong security measures, Damen was able to work on the project throughout the year.

Gerald Rose, Project Manager at FMSW: “In 2018 we submitted a request to replace the TGS Carl Street with Dutch shipbuilder Damen. Due to the uniqueness of the vessel, this is a particularly challenging project.”

There was an impact on the project; The epidemic delayed the delivery of diving equipment to women. As a result, the diving vessel will enter service next summer. Until then, the ship will wait at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem in the Netherlands. Meanwhile, Damen will introduce the ship’s crew here.

The ship comes behind current Carl Street, which has served its purpose since 1963. The later ship will largely revert to the proven design of its predecessor.

The new diving bell is used on the Rhine and its tributaries. It provides dry conditions in a pressurized atmosphere where people can work underwater. The main area of ​​activity is the search for and recovery of lost cargo and shipwrecks and the inspection of construction projects.

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The ship will also be able to attach barrel anchors in gravel and rock areas to conduct sampling operations.

The ship is equipped with a powerful diesel-electric propulsion system that complies with EU Stage V standards and ensures a constant cruising speed of 13 km / h.

Stan Shaw

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