‘Dance with the Stars’ juror Chris Marquez reveals his battle against disease on ‘Morandini Live’: ‘It’s a whole life pollution syndrome’ – VIDEO

This morning, Chris Marquez was a guest of Jean-Marc Morandini on “Morandini Live” on CNews on the occasion of the release of his book If You Only Knew (Editor Flammarion). In the book, the Dance with the Stars juror specifically evokes the illness he contracted in ten years.

“The first signs in the 2000s start with a viral infection. This infection leaves after effects that never leave me. I’m still sick for weeks that turn into months and years. The disease is called fatigue syndrome. It’s chronic. It’s also linked to fibromyalgia” .

And to add: “We call it fatigue but it really isn’t. It’s the fatigue that crushes you and it’s heavier than anything. There are millions of patients. I have them. I didn’t speak at the time; now, I speak with confidence. When people say they have this disease, it’s not It means that they are lazy (…) We are in a very light sleep. This disease is accompanied by very severe sleep disturbances.”

“When you associate that with muscle aches, joint pain, fever, and an inability to think, it becomes a syndrome that pollutes your whole life (…) This disease.” “Today, I value life more. I think it shows.” Jeanmarkmorandini.com It invites you to (re)discover this sequence (see video above).

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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