Rebirth, which follows the 2010 original Frictional and its theatrically developed Chinese successor, A Machine for Pigs, takes players back to the 1930s for a disturbing adventure in the Algerian desert. This time around, the focus is on the protagonist, Tassi Trianon, as she attempts to navigate this harsh sandy expanse, and reassemble bits of her past (and at times encounter unspeakable horrors).
Eurogamer contributor Vicky Blake described the rebirth as a “terrific horror subversion” and the story “really captivated me in the credits” when I tested it out in 2020. So it’s a worthwhile outing—and there’s also an adventure mode that cuts through the pitch-darkness, fear, and deadly monsters for frightened players who just want to Get started on this mysterious and wonderful story.
As for the second free game from Epic next week, Riverbond is a chaotic dungeon game that can be played alone or with up to four players thanks to its couch-based co-op mode.
Amnesia: Rebirth and Riverbond can be downloaded for free and added to the Epic Games Store libraries for seven days, starting next Thursday, April 21. This means you still have plenty of time to grab the current collection of epic freebies: XCOM 2 and Insurmountable, the rogue-like mountain climbing adventure that has won universal acclaim.