Dimitrisco Castle has been reconstructed in Dreams

Resident Evil Village: Dimitrisco Castle in Dreams has been recreated

At the start of last year, British developers published at Media Molecule their latest project, “Dreams”, which has repeatedly attracted amazing fan creations over the past few months.

This is also the case these days. Shortly after the launch of Capcom’s “Resident Evil Village” horror adventure for consoles and computers, a player from “Dreams” took over and recreated Dimitrescus Castle using the media Molecule creative set. Above all, the attention to detail is impressive. Responsible user “MartinDK3485” has provided a video about his work, allowing a detailed look at the iterated version of Dimitrescus Castle. Via Reddit To get rid of it.

Media Molecule is working on new projects

In the past, Media Molecule developers not only supported “Dreams” for an extended period of time. At the same time, the British developer studio is already working on new projects. Media Molecule did not provide specific details on these matters, but assured them that Sony Interactive Entertainment was fully behind the studio’s plans and would continue to invest in it.

about this subject: Media Molecule: Sony fully supports the Dreams makers’ plans

“We are now in a major recruitment offensive, because we need programmers and designers in order to achieve the desired progress,” she added. “What I really like about all of this is that Sony is really behind everything we do and is investing in the studio so it can grow.”

More messages about DreamsAnd the Resident Evil Village.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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