Utelle Hall of the town hall, Saint-Jean la Rivière Alpes-Maritimes, Utelle
Event Categories:
Discovering the sea floor in virtual reality (Saint-Jean School, Thursday 30/09) Town Hall, Saint-Jean-la-Rivieres, September 30, 2021, Hotel.
Science Festival September 30
Town Hall, Saint-Jean la Rivière Apprentis pas sages. Free entry for school children face to face.
The player is invited to dive into the depths of the ocean and admire the underwater flora and fauna. A diver finds himself on the wreck of a boat stranded on the ocean floor. Fully immersed in the proposed universe, the player will intuitively lean over the wreck to observe the sea floor. Many fish, cetaceans, and other marine animals are found. It is even possible to interact with them. A diver, for example, by waving his hand, can scare away the fish around him. Several minutes after visiting the wreck, a 25-meter-long whale appears and passes a few meters from the player…
Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur>Alpes Maritimes
Town Hall, Saint-Jean la Rivière Saint-Jean la Rivière 06450 Utelle 06450
Organizer: Saint-Jean-la-Riviere Town Hall
“Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru.”