“Do not show it to children.” Sound the alarm on the toy advertised by YouTubers

A Toy Blue, sharp teeth, who wants to crush children “Until the last breath“. Is Hockey WookieInspired by the character of the video game Poppy Platime, many YouTubers and content creators for minors have re-launched on the Internet. According to British psychologists, it’s possible. “Makes children uncontrollable fear of the dark“In Italy, the incident is being monitored by the Postal Police:”However, we know that this is very widespread and we have received many reports“, Explains a Repubblica.it Chief of Cyber ​​Police Officers, Ivano Gabrielli.

“Kids scare” toy

Hockey Wookiee is the main character in a horror video game created for children over the age of 13. The appearance of a funny “little monster”, colorful and harmless, was conducive to the spread of content on the web. Children creche or play school. Not to mention the confusing ditty that now sounds left and right on social media: “I can hug you forever until your last breath comes out together“And”I will come soon, gnash my teeth and you will be consumedSay a few lines of text, “Free hugs”.

The spread of the event

The Event, Already known for many years, began to spread on the web during infections. “This is a phenomenon that has been known for many years, especially during lockdowns and epidemics. It is worrying that despite the renaissance of socialization, some children are still addicted to screens“, Explains Ettore Patelli of the Law Clinic at Children’s Law at the University of RomaTre. Families of the Genema-Parent Association immediately raised the alarm.”Fewer families have bought a toy for their children without children playing a video game“, Repubblica.it Alessia Arena, Vice PresidentNow all the kids are interested in puppetry as it is advertised by YouTubers“.

Psychologist’s analysis

In the United Kingdom, theWarning. According to psychologists across the channel, soft toys make children’s fears about the dark uncontrollable. “It has a harmless appearance, soft silk, but hides evil, so big mouth with sharp teeth and aggressive temperament. This spread can create fear and allow adults to manipulate little ones“, Explains Christina Bonucci, a psychologist and expert in the postal police. According to the expert”There are physiological fears, fear of the dark I think above all else – The doctor continues – But if they are triggered by events like this, children will be more frightened by an object created for a playful activity aimed at more adults. Because everyone is talking about hockey wacky, it can be hard to manage the fear that darkness will turn into hockey wacky. If not managed properly, it can become even more worrying“.

Postal Police Alarm

There Police Post Has been monitoring the evolution of this phenomenon for several months. “We can not raise the issue of variation, but attention – Postmaster Ivano Gabrielle clarifies – You should try to browse with your children to see what they see online, what moments they share with other children, and what topics they visit.“So be careful, but parents need to pay more attention to web content to show their children.”The proliferation of new technologies is a skill that the average parent must develop from the generation that is currently incomparable, so this is indeed a complex endeavor that parents face. – Gabrielle concludes – But this is necessary because the first bulwark of protection for children and young people is the family we think about is dangerous and the nature of things.“.

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Veronica Tucker

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