Dolby AC4 and Ultra-HD experience on DTT in three major cities

The experiment launched is the result of an alliance between the American company Dolby and the French infrastructure company TDF. The aim of this collaboration: to set up Dolby AC-4 on a set of high definition TNT channels.

To view it, you obviously need a TV
Modern, with DVB-T2 Receiver, Full HD, compatible HDR10 technology
And Dolby AC4
(With / without Dolby Atm) … and live in areas covered by urban complexes in Paris, Nantes and Toulouse. Lucky viewers will then be able to experience UHD and Dolby AC-4 by switching to TNT channels 81, 82 and 83.

This format allows you to enjoy a high-quality picture, along with Dolby AC4 audio format, which is a multi-channel technology capable of transmitting many distinct audio tracks in the same stream, in different configurations. In practice, this makes it possible in particular to better consider the sound area of ​​the scene or to choose the language of the program.

For this, AC-4 current, unlike current receivers that require their own audio stream, delivers each audio component directly to the receiver, which then configures the version selected by the user. This opens the door to multiple technical possibilities.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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