Drago: A mobile math application project by three French students

IOS 11 app store logo iconAs we know, the App Store is full of more and more mobile apps from year to year, which makes the possibility of introducing yourself very little, unless you have a massive communications budget or your idea is the target of a ‘hype’. Through this article, our goal is to highlight a small project that wants to become big, created by three French students, mainly from the Grand Est.

Tristan Riquet, Maxime Lallo and Arthur Comisso, all three STAPS license holders have been in operation since 2020 upon the arrival of a new sports app called Dragou. The latter aims to initiate the lady and the master everyone into physical activity through videos of exercises performed by professionals.

Today, if the app isn’t there yet, the small team is looking for their last money to be able to complete the development of the latter through crowdfunding. Here is Drago’s demo:

Drago: sports, advice and information

You will definitely be wondering what this app will have the best advantage over many of its competitors on the App Store: Quite simply, access to training and software will be free. Thus, there is no need to pay to access the explainer videos, as they will be available to everyone.

That’s not all: Dragou also promises to do tests and tips for understanding exercise-related pain, but also to learn more about ailments of long-term affection and chronic ailments like diabetes, obesity or even lower back pain.

Users of the app will also have access to a guide that allows you to contact a physical activity specialist around you, starting at the Grand Est before engaging in the whole of France.


Although the project was supported by several local organizations, the creators of Dragou are now organizing crowdfunding on the KissKissBankBank platform with a goal of € 2,000, up to € 4,000.

If you want to help the young team behind this amazing project, you can go At this address To participate in the realization of the project in exchange for various goods and rewards.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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