“E-Sports Triangle in the East”: Presentation of new Penta partners

Pentax 404xL44

Today, PENTA announced an official partnership with the Dresden Gaming & Esports Association 404 Multigaming eV and the LEVEL 44 Game & Esports Bar. Source: PENTA Entertainment UG (Limited Liability)

“In the east of the republic, esports is advancing.” – With these words begins Tuesday’s press release, which lists PENTA Entertainment UG (Limited Liability) 404 Multigaming eV and Level 44 as a new, long-term introduction of eSports Venture Partners.

Not only in esports and the federal capital Berlin, but also a few hundred kilometers south in the Saxon state capital Dresden, a lot has to happen. This was also noted in PENTA and therefore contact was made with the resident esports organization 404 Multigaming at the beginning of 2020.

A friendship that had only occurred at the management level developed for a long time. It soon became clear that, due to different sports situations (PENTA is active in professional sports and 404 in popular sports), the primary goal was the same: they wanted to promote esports in Germany, and to bring them together – push the scene forward together.

Joint projects and future plans

Some support ideas have emerged, such as the DESP (German Electronic Sports Solidarity Pact) project or joint support for a 44-hour donation live broadcast STAY (A) LIVE. The latter brought in the third partner to play – Level 44, the first bar games and esports in Dresden and currently.

A coalition of three organizations has been formed, whose official framework is given in today’s partnership publication. In order to make it clear that this is a long-term project, the question of duration is intentionally left blank – I want to take a lot of time to achieve common goals. The future should bring events, campaigns, projects and also benefits – from and for each of the three projects.

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David Schramm, Managing Director of Penta:

“For us as an esports organisation, this three-way partnership is a logical step in order to position ourselves more broadly in the future. Not only can we build another great site in Dresden with 404 at level 44, but also because we are showing the Republic – East going forward. Together for esports. We don’t work against each other, but we will fight for our goals together.”

404 Vice President Tim Gunter:

“Dresden as an esports site has another public holiday today! We are very grateful to PENTA for the trust they have placed in us and we will try our best in this partnership to achieve our common goals.”

Level 44 Gastroletter John Goeraldt:

“We are delighted to have another strong partner alongside us at PENTA, who will perform well for our gaming facility in many ways. In the past we have received support from PENTA many times and we are pleased that this partnership has also been incorporated into the official structures. The future of Level 44 will shine In the orange and blue of the day we are looking forward to it! Vamos Penta!”

All the details at a brief glance

PENTA announces new partnership with 404 Multigaming eV and LEVEL 44:

  • Joint partnership to promote esports in (Eastern) Germany
  • In the past often contact and participate in projects
    > Officially announced now
  • The future should come with joint projects, events and campaigns
  • Promote popular and professional sports
  • Establishing and preparing venues for theater meetings in the east of the Republic
    > Private and Modern: Level 44 in Dresden
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Tess Larson

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