Facebook plans to open physical stores to promote the metaverse

In order for the metaverse to find followers, virtual reality must be enhanced. Facebook has understood this and plans to open physical stores where users can learn about the technology.

Virtual reality headsets have been around for several years, but they have never found their audience. None of these devices were commercially successful, and virtual reality today is a technology niche. But Facebook wants to reverse the trend.

according to The New York Times, Meta, the new name of the Facebook group, plans to open its own stores to introduce citizens to virtual reality and FineEncourage them to use the metaverse, a virtual world that Facebook imagines. Opening up physical spaces to promote virtual technology is a paradox, but the tech giant is nowhere near a contradiction.

In “metaverse”, short for “meta” (which refers to a panoramic view) and “universe”, users can lead parallel lives in the virtual world: work, meet people, have fun… thanks to the popular virtual reality headset.

Towards a business failure?

Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook, understood this well, so for this technology to be widely used, people have to get used to it. To do this, Meta (formerly Facebook) has to promote its Oculus VR affiliate virtual reality devices in designated stores, where customers can experience the technology.

It remains to be seen whether these stores will achieve commercial success, modeled after Apple and its Apple Stores, which are now the world’s most profitable stores per square meter, ahead of luxury stores. But Facebook stores may also face the same fate as Google or Microsoft stores, which have simply closed due to a lack of customers.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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