Fallout 5 release date, when will the game be released? – Break Flip

In an interview with IGN, Bethesda Director Todd Howard provided information about the release of Fallout 5!

Many fans of the league are waiting for him, fallout 5 Just confirmed by Todd Howard in an interview with IGN (source)! So it is now certain that this game will see the light of day on various platforms in the coming years, but when exactly?

No release date The director cannot provide it, simply because The game is still not in production ! However, he was able to say one thing, that the game will be released after The Elder Scrolls 6, which is the same only in pre-production, which has been announced since 2018.

What is the release date of Fallout 5?

As you understand, it is currently impossible to determine the release date of Fallout 5, or even estimate the year in which the game will be released. The only thing we know is that The game will be available once The Elder Scrolls 6 is releasedwho should be the same Get out after Starfieldwhich is only scheduled for 2023.

In order not to be there Several years of waiting for this new opus from FalloutAnd she’s not ready to see the light of day right now! We will update this article as soon as we know more about the release of this new game, or when production begins in the game, to give an idea of ​​when the game might be ready.

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See you in a few years to learn more!

Tess Larson

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