Cremona – ChiefBi.Genitori . Association Massimo Brugnini, as a gift Girls and Boys’ Most Liked Characters Albums, Stickers & Gadgets. The donation is directed to pediatric guests and children of intensive care workers. The director enthusiastically welcomed the donation to pediatrics Claudio Cavalli and coordinator Norma Bergonzi. In the intensive care unit director Enrico Stortecoordinator Carla Maestrini and two nurses, Christina Bellati e Samantha Morey.
“In the association’s board of directors, we all agree to strive dResume normal counseling and support activities, but above all it was aimed at children who are hospitalized in the pediatric ward of Cremona Hospital, a custom that we have always managed to do thanks to the cooperation with Panini Spa during the Christmas holidays, but the pandemic does not allow we will do this last December and for this The reason is thanks to the hospital administration’s availability, today’s donation will be the first sign of recovery – says Prognini -. We have thought of dedicating albums and posters also to children of ICU operators, as a gesture of thanks for the importance of the work done during the pandemic.”
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